Hire Elite Talent at a Fraction of the Cost of US Counterparts

We are a recruiting firm built to help US companies hire quality talent in the Philippines & LatAm for between $900-$1500 a month.

Man upset with his job
Get the help you Know you need

You are overwhelmed with all the work…

Growing a business is hard - especially when you have to do it all. Hiring remote workers can solve this problem for you.

You can hire amazing full-time talented individuals at the fraction of the cost of US employees.

building a team doesn't have to cost tons

Find quality full-time help for $900-$1500.

Most companies think they need to spend between $4,000-$6,000 a month on a quality full time team. That isn't true. We help businesses build an awesome team of global workers to help them save time, money, and ultimately grow their business.


What you can expect from us

Step 1
Once you book a call, we will meet and get all relevant information from you.

We will finalize a job description and cover all of the details regarding your business.
Step 2
Our team will take the job description and start to source candidates from our database and job boards.

We will interview candidates and test them for the relevant requirements.
Step 3
Once we have found a few candidates that we think you will like, we will introduce them to you and setup interviews. You can provide feedback to us on them or you can decide to move forward with one of them.
Step 4
And just like that you have a new team member! Woo hoo! Your new team member will be ready to start right away and you get to work.

Recruit skilled people for any task.

Save time and money by growing your team outside of the United States and find skilled professionals for any project or business.

Virtual Assistant

SEO Specialist

Sales Rep

Podcast Editor

Operations Assistant

Medical Billing Assistant

Marketing Assistant

Live Chat Agent

Graphic Designer

Front-End Developer

Customer Service Rep


Shield showing Outwork Gurantee

Our Recruitment Guarantee

Finding the right staff for your business can be a challenging task, but we are here to help. Our company offers a 90-day recruitment guarantee. If the first candidate we place with you doesn't work out, we will replace them free of charge within the first 90 days of their employment.

Trust us to find the right fit for your company.

Quality team members ready to work hard.

In the 21st century, global outsourcing looks like hiring amazing full-time employees with quality english and a deep culture fit for between $8,500 and $15,000 a year.

Extremely high quality english
Deeply integrated into your systems
Relevant experience & culture fit

Book a call to learn more or get started.

We are eager to work with you. Book a call with our team and discover how our global staffing can help you drive growth.

Let's talk about your staffing needs today.

Get Started Hiring

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